The KitchenAid Stand Mixer is an American icon that's timeless design and endless color choices are only rivaled by its durability. 

But KitchenAid Stand Mixers aren't cheap. A lot of us will spend a lifetime wanting one but never actually make the purchase. We need to give people a reason to buy one now.


Interviews | Social Listening | Survey

what we learned

Young adults commonly ask for KitchenAid Stand Mixers as gifts. These mixers are a staple of registries and have become associated with life milestones, like purchasing a first home or getting married.

Getting one has become a rite of passage and people that see a KitchenAid on your kitchen counter think of you as a little more mature.

"I got mine for Christmas and said to my mother, 'Now I never have to get married!'" 

A KitchenAid stand mixer instantly transforms you into a real adult.


celebrate the perks of being an adult.

Creative Concept

When you're seen as a mature person, you can impress other mature people. 


    Each ad showcases also secondary benefit that people love about KitchenAid Mixers.  


    • The wide assortment of specialty attachments
    • The variety of colors available

    Keychain-Aid Portable Stand Mixer

    Promotional product to be included with purchases. This card will announce how the tool can help a new owner do mature things, more maturely.


    Tim Shumar - Copywriter

    Frank Garguilo - Art Director